Meet the KITS Team
We have a passion for helping children and families to make a great start and have ongoing success in school. With over 161 total years of experience, we have the expertise to help promote the best outcomes for children, parents, and teachers.

Laura Ayala
Research Assistant, Translator
I enjoy hiking, camping, and exploring nature. My passion is encouraging kindness, cooperation, and conscientiousness in my children as they explore and develop their gifts.
When I was little I loved to pretend with my brother that our swing set was a spaceship taking us all around the galaxy.

Rob Bale
KITS Technology Manager
I like to chill with the family, play videos games, and enjoy beverages. My passion is the pursuit of happiness. Two of my favorite things to do are baseball and relaxing after exercising.
When I was a kid, my favorite game was t-ball.

Nollie Carll
KITS Coach
I like to garden/work in my yard and explore outside with my dog. My passion is spending time outside, especially being near water and hiking is my favorite thing to do. I also like running.
My favorite activity as a kid was playing on the playground. When I was in Kindergarten at River Road, the playground had a huge purple dinosaur and that was my favorite to climb on.

Livia Carpenter
KITS Clinical Director
Being outside in the Pacific Northwest is in tight competition with getting lost in a great book for my favorite things to do when not at work. I love to create: painting and drawing, digital art, sewing and baking.
Exploring outdoors and being in my imagination were my favorite things to do when I was a kindergartner.

Denise Ford
Research Assistant
I like to garden, make cloth napkins and baby blankets, and do puzzles. My passion is trapping feral cats for spay and neuter. Fostering kittens is my favorite thing to do. I also like thrifting.
When I was a kid, my favorite things to do were crafts and making friends with neighborhood cats….lol some things never change!

Sally Guyer
KITS Senior Data Manager
I love to make jewelry and beaded projects. I also like to go camping, go to the beach, and play cards and games with friends and family.
I was an early reader in kindergarten and liked to find books that I could read. My brother taught me how to read when he learned in first grade. I especially liked the books with pictures, of course.

Rachel Morris
KITS Coach
I spend a lot of time in my ever-expanding flower and vegetable garden. I love going on adventures with my kids even in our own backyard. I am passionate about my yoga and meditation practice. My two standard poodles keep me busy too. When I’m not doing one of these things, I love a good romantic comedy and singing in the car.
As a child I loved playing card games (still do!)– building card houses, solitaire, playing rummy with my grandparents and spending hours with way too many UNO cards in my hand.

Katherine Pears, Ph.D
KITS Program Director/Developer
When I am not at work, I enjoy cooking and creating in the kitchen. I also love to hike with my family and two scruffy terriers. If I want a quiet activity, reading mysteries is my fave!
When I was young, I made up entire imaginary worlds and lots of imaginary friends. And my real-life friends and I would play make believe in these worlds.

Alex Prock
KITS Coach
I love laughing and being goofy with my family, playing games and eating great food. I also enjoy being out and about experiencing new and exciting things, but my favorite thing of all is snuggling up at home with my daughter!
When I was a kid, you could always find me drawing or rearranging the furniture in my doll house!

Maria Licia Aldana Rogers
KITS Parent Group Facilitator
I like to go for walks, cook and read near a window with the sunlight shining on me. Spending time outdoors is my favorite thing to do. I also like watching a good movie with my husband. My passions are self-development and self-improvement in my personal life and creating good relationships.
When I was a kindergartner, I loved spending time playing with my cousins and being in the kitchen with my mother.

Deena Scheidt
KITS Program Coordinator
When I’m not working, I like to spend time with my family and friends and plan dream travel trips. Any time I can start and finish a book in a weekend makes me happy too.
When I was young, I loved to spend time with my pets and study anatomy textbooks. What a quirky kid! My favorite game to play was UNO. I like to play UNO to this day!

Sally Schwader
Editorial Assistant
I like to create art, explore spirituality, and discover how to stay healthy. My passion is painting the landscape outdoors. My favorite thing to do is to paint in oils and I also like discovering new ideas.
When I was a kindergartner, my favorite games were playing tag and hide and seek.