My Child is Bored!! What Should I Do?! – Infographic
The research is in: Boredom is good for kids! Experiencing boredom is an important part of growth and well-being, fostering creativity, independence, emotional resilience, cognitive
The research is in: Boredom is good for kids! Experiencing boredom is an important part of growth and well-being, fostering creativity, independence, emotional resilience, cognitive development, and even connection. So the next time your child complains that they're bored, consider…
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break and are settling easefully back into your regular family routines. As for me, a phrase from our last blog post of the year really stuck with me through the…
It feels like we just got through Thanksgiving break! If your kids are anything like mine, it seemed like they spent more time lamenting having nothing to do, than they did enjoying the moments they had so intensely anticipated. While…
It’s hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. The KITS Team has been busy, as we know you have too! We’d like to share some highlights from our favorite blogposts of the closing year. We started…
The National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment highlighted KITS in a recent brief about kindergarten readiness programs. Check out pg. 3 for the spotlights. We are honored to be featured in this important article! NCASE_Summer Transitions Brief-v4_ADA_Update_0Download
The holiday season is meant to be a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. But for many, it can also be a stressful time. Between shopping for gifts, preparing meals, attending social gatherings, and navigating family dynamics, it’s easy to…
As the winter season approaches, you may be considering helping make the holidays a little brighter for families in Lane County who might be struggling. For inspiration, we have put together a list of programs to help families in need…
Does your family or someone you know need a little extra help this winter holiday season? Maybe a warm meal or some presents for the kids or an elder loved one? Check out this guide to Winter Holiday Resources in…
The start of school is an exciting transition, full of so many different feelings that may change from moment to moment. And this is not only true for rising kindergarteners—we also have students who are moving from elementary to middle…
Big feelings are an unavoidable part of life. We all have them. And how we learn to engage with our emotions in childhood has a profound impact on how we experience them as adults. If certain emotions are perceived as…
Resilience has been in the spotlight recently with a lot of attention given to helping children grow into resilient adults who are able to process a wide range of emotions and focus on opportunities rather than dwelling on the negative.…
Summer is nearly here again, and many families have already launched into summer break. This is the time of year when we start to hear about how to prevent summer slide (the rollback of learning that can sometimes happen during…
At KITS you'll hear us talk a lot about sharing books. That's because there's so much more to books than just reading! See below for the Hows and Whys of sharing books. Download the pdf here: What is Book Sharing?…
Check out these amazing summer reading events at our local libraries in Lane County. What a fun way to encourage learning all summer long. Check out the KITS blog for tips for summer reading. Click here for a PDF of…
We have had some requests from parents for specific ways they can encourage their children to focus on what is possible, rather than allowing difficulties to shut them down. We created this infographic to support you on the path to…
Learning to handle big feelings is a journey that begins in childhood and continues into adulthood. As parents and teachers, we want to give kids as many tools as possible to support them in developing the skills and coping strategies…
Helping children learn to recognize and talk about their feelings is an important job for parents and teachers! The sooner we can get into the habit of talking with our kids about how they're feeling, the easier it will be…
We have posted before about how important it is for kids to be able to recognize emotions in themselves and other people. Among other things, it helps them to: Get along with other people Manage their own emotions better Be…
Download the PDF: 8 Skills for Resilient Kids Image: © Maryna Auramchuk | Dreamstime.com
We often think of resilience as the ability to bounce back from difficulty, get back in the game, shake it off. While these expressions may paint a picture of what we would expect from a resilient person, it is not…
Valentine’s Day is nearly here! What a great opportunity to take a few moments to foster those positive childhood experiences that create connection and build resilience in our children’s lives. Over the years, my family has explored a lot of…
I have been thinking about writing a blog about cooking with kids for a long time, but something keeps holding me back: I avoid cooking whenever possible. 😊 My kids will not hesitate to tell you that daddy is a…
Helping kids focus on the little things that bring joy into their lives is a practice that has been shown to have big impacts on feelings of wellbeing. Inspired by activities from the Big JOY Project, we've created this calendar…
If you're working on shifting your family's focus to the "little things" that make us feel good, a Pleasant Activity Calendar for Kids can be a great tool. Here is an example calendar to give you an idea of how…
We’ve been seeing a lot of information floating around the internet about micro-acts of joy and how they bring about feelings of wellbeing. Micro-acts are small things that anyone can do anytime, anywhere, such as noticing feelings of gratitude, celebrating…
Learning to notice the little things that bring joy and connection is a great tool that kids can carry with them everywhere they go and throughout their lives. Studies show that focusing on these moments of joy and awe have…
Gratitude is more than the words "Thank You". Teach your child how to notice, feel, and express their sincere thanks so that gratitude is authentic. Download: Gratitude is a Superpower
Does your family or a family you know need a little extra help this winter holiday season? Maybe a warm meal or some presents for the kids? Check out this guide to Winter Holiday Resources in Lane County, Oregon: 2023 Winter…
How to zero in on your child and come back to calm during a public meltdown
When children understand how to show their friends respect, they will get along better with others.
Positive Childhood Experiences play a significant role in the future wellbeing of our children and can buffer the effects of negative experiences.
It's almost time to start school! To help you and your family get ready, we have put together a check list of helpful activities.
When someone gives us unsolicited advice, sometimes it sends the message that they don’t think we are capable of figuring it out ourselves, which stings, and often results in defensiveness. Turns out, the reason we don’t do things differently is not always because we don’t have the information we need.
The new year has started and you may have set yourself and your kids some goals. Check out our tips for keepng motivation from wearing away over the year!
Is it hard to get your child to do a task they don’t enjoy or feel immediately rewarded for doing? The answer may be Temptation Bundling.
Want to help your child keep up their school-ready skills over the winter break? Check out our tips for fun, easy, holiday activities.
Getting cozy as a family can be a great way to slow down and reconnect. Find out to embrace hygge (the Danish word for being cozy)!
What is one thing that you can do that will increase your child’s school success for years to come? Being involved with their school! Here are some ways to do just that: Build the habit of talking about school with…
Pre-teaching is a way of helping children understand what is coming up and what you expect them to do. By giving clear directions, you can set them up to succeed and feel confident about their skills. Our new infographic shows…
The start of school is a really exciting time for kids and families! You might expect your kids to move right from “school mode” into “home mode” at the end of the day. But kindergartners just starting school (and even…
Check out our simple strategies for encouraging kids' cooperation and decreasing parental frustration!
If you are getting ready to send your kindergartner off to the first day of school, you may be wondering what they need to take with them. We have some suggestions!
Los papás no son los únicos miembros de la famila que pueden ayudar a los niños a prepararse para el kindergarten. Los hermanos mayores (o primos o amigos) ¡pueden ayudar también! Aquí hay algunos juegos super divertidos que los hermanos…
Siempre hablamos sobre cómo los papás pueden ayudar a sus hijos a prepararse para la escuela. Pero no son los únicos miembros de la familia que ayudan a los que van a entrar en el kindergarten. Los hermanos mayores también…
Fun games that older kids can play with their younger siblings to teach school readiness skills.
Parents aren’t the only family members who can lend a hand to new kindergartners. Older siblings can also help their younger siblings to get ready for school!
La lectura de verano es una de las mejores maneras de mantener afinadas y listas para la escuela las habilidades académicas y sociales de los niños mientras disfrutan su descanso. A continuación encontrará tips para ayudar a su niño a…
La semana pasada hablamos acerca de cómo integrar el aprendizaje en la lectura de los libros de cuentos ilustrados. Esta semana vamos a hablar específicamente del aprendizaje social y emocional durante la lectura con los niños. El aprendizaje social y…
Summer reading is one of the best ways to keep kids’ academic and social skills sharp and school-ready even as they are enjoying being out of school. As a parent, you may wonder how to get your kids started on…
Al ver brotar y crecer todas las plantas a nuestro alrededor esta primavera, me he acordado que las habilidades nuevas, en muchos aspectos, son como las plantas. Una semilla no se convierte inmediatamente en una flor. Tiene que pasar primero…
While watching lots of new things sprout and grow this Spring, I have been reminded that new skills are a lot like plants. A seed doesn’t grow into a full flower immediately. It needs care and nurturing along the way.…
La escucha activa es importante para el aprendizaje, las amistades, y el éxito escolar porque ayuda a los niños a recibir información, seguir direcciones, y también forma una parte importante de lo que es ser un buen amigo. La escucha…
Active listening is important for learning, friendships, and school success because it helps kids follow directions, take in information, and is a huge part of being a friend. Active listening can be hard for kids because they are still developing…
¡Ya llegó la primavera y tenemos una buena idea para actividades de preparación escolar al aire libre con sus niños! Averigüe más a continuación. Y si quiere descargar el infográfico, haga clic aquí: Aprendizaje de primavera en un paseo de…
Spring is here and we have a great way for you and your kids to get out into nature and do some school readiness prep! Find out how below. And if you want to download this infographic, click here: Spring…
Al pensar en maneras de ayudar a su niño/a a triunfar en la escuela, ¿generalmente, se le ocurre el juego? A menudo se nos olvida la importancia del juego para el desarrollo infantil, probablemente porque es algo que hacen naturalmente.…
When you think about making sure your young children are ready to be successful in school, do you immediately think of playing? We often forget the importance of “just playing” for children’s development, probably because it’s something that kids do…
Estamos en pleno invierno y hace frío. Puede que su niños quieran acurrucarse adentro, pero en realidad les hace bien (al igual que usted) salir al aire libre. Vea nuestro infográfico nuevo y descárguelo aquí: Los beneficios de jugar al…
¿Alguna vez se ha perdido la calma antes de tener la posibilidad de reconocer el aumento de esos sentimientos desagradables? Tomar una pausa para asesorar cómo nos estamos sintiendo nos trae un paso más cerca de poder manejar esas emociones…
It's winter and we know it is cold outside. Your kids might want to curl up inside, but it's actually really good for them (and you) to go outside. Check out our new infographic and download it here: The Benefits…
Have you ever “lost your cool” before you even had a chance to recognize those unpleasant feelings bubbling up? Pausing and assessing how we might be feeling brings us a step closer to being able to handle those emotions in…
¿Su niño/a está aprendiendo a escribir su nombre? Una de las habilidades fundamentales para aprender a escribir es la de sostener y controlar el lápiz o lapicero. Al darle oportunidades a su niño/a de desarrollar sus habilidades motoras finas (como…
Is your child learning to write their name? One of the foundational skills of writing is being able to hold and control the pencil or pen. Giving your child opportunities to develop their fine motor skills (like pinching and manipulating…
En la última entrada de blog hablamos sobre la importancia de la práctica para adquirir habilidades o comportamientos nuevos y algunos puntos básicos sobre cómo y cuándo practicar. Hoy compartiremos ideas creativas sobre cómo practicar que van más allá de…
Los niños aprenden haciendo las cosas. Por lo tanto, la práctica es esencial para que aprendan una habilidad nueva, sobre todo para los niños más pequeños. A veces se nos olvida que los niños necesitan practicar un comportamiento nuevo después…
In our last post we talked why it is so important for kids to practice new skills or behaviors in order to learn them and some basics about the how and when of practice. Today we’ll share some creative ideas…
Children learn by doing. This is why hands-on practice is so important in learning a new skill, especially for young children. Sometimes we forget that kids need time to practice a new behavior after we tell them about it. We…
Es difícil para los niños no enredarse en la emoción de los juguetes y los regalos durante las fiestas. Los niños están desarrollando las habilidades necesarias para regular sus emociones y ¡el esperar el momento de abrir los regalos puede…
Entrar en cualquier tienda en esta época del año puede lanzar a los niños en un frenesí. La gran cantidad de juguetes, ropa, y zapatos para agregar a la lista creciente de cosas que quieren que traiga el Papá Noel…
Kids can get really caught up in the excitement of toys and presents around the holidays. They are still developing the skills they need to regulate their excitement and waiting for the time to unwrap gifts can be really hard…
La temporada festiva tiende a ser un momento feliz. Sin embargo, nos gustaría tomar un momento para reconocer que durante las fiestas podemos sentir ambos la alegría y el dolor. Y queremos ofrecer algunas ideas para las familias que enfrentan…
Las fiestas significan para los niños mucha diversión y emoción. Hay muchas reuniones divertidas, eventos, y el intercambio de regalos. Para los niños, sobre todo los más pequeños, toda esta emoción es como subir lentamente un cerro para llegar a…
Many of us look forward to the holidays as a happy time. However, we would like to take a few moments to acknowledge that the holidays can be a time where many of us may feel both joy and sorrow.…
The holidays bring a lot of fun and excitement for kids. There are lots of fun social gatherings, events, and gift giving and receiving! For kids, especially young ones, all of this excitement is kind of like slowly climbing up…
¡Llego el otoño!-la estación de las calabazas, la caída de las hojas, y el chocolate caliente. También es la temporada de actividades de aprendizaje divertidas. Vea a continuación nuestras sugerencias y descargue aquí una copia de nuestro infográfico: Actividades de…
Sabemos que es importante para el éxito escolar a largo plazo que los papás se involucren en la escolarización do los niños. Su participación los ayuda a desarrollar una actitud positiva hacia la escuela y apoya y fortaleza su aprendizaje.…
It's fall-the time for pumpkins, falling leaves, and hot cocoa. It's also time for lots of fun learning activities. Check them out below and download your own copy of our infographic here: School Readiness Activities for Fall. [divider…
We know that parent involvement in children’s education is important for school success throughout their school years. Your involvement helps them develop a positive outlook on school and further supports and strengthens their learning. The earlier you can get involved…
¡Próximamente empieza la escuela! Para algunos niños la transición a la escuela será fácil. Podrán integrarse en el salón sin vacilar. Para otros niños, la separación de sus papás en un lugar desconocido puede provocar la ansiedad y puede que…
Para muchos niños, la idea de empezar el kindergarten es estresante. Con todos los cambios y la incertidumbre del día de hoy, puede que el inicio escolar sea aun más preocupante y confuso. Aquí le damos algunos consejos para ayudar…
School is starting! For some kids, this transition might be relatively easy. They may be able to go right into the classroom without hesitation. For other kids, leaving their parents and heading off to a new place might be a…
For many kids, the idea of starting kindergarten is a stressful idea. Starting kindergarten with all the changes and uncertainty these days may make the transition to school even more worrisome and confusing. Here are some tips that may help…
Pronto llegará el inicio escolar. La mayoría de los niños volverán a la escuela en persona y muchas escuelas están pidiendo que los niños usen sus mascarillas para proteger a los compañeros. Para algunos niños, esto será fácil, mientras otros…
It's almost time to head back to school. Most of us will be going back in person and many schools are asking kids to wear masks to protect each other. Some kids will find that easy while others might need…
Muchos niños y familias tienen muchas ganas de volver a la escuela en persona este otoño. Y sus maestros ciertamente están emocionados por volver a tener a sus alumnos bajo el mismo techo. Con varias semanas cumplidas de los grupos…
Many kids and families are really excited about the opportunity to go back to school in person this fall. And teachers are certainly looking forward to getting their classes back together under one roof! With several weeks of summer KITS…
Saber hacer amigos es una habilidad super importante para la escuela (y la vida). Aquí hay un par de cosas simples que pueden hacer los niños cuando quieren hacer amigos nuevos. Descargue el infográfico aquí: Cómo hacer amigos- Una guía…
Después de más de un año de cierres y contacto social limitado, el mundo se está abriendo nuevamente. Esto quiere decir que muchos niños asistirán presencialmente a la escuela al ingresar en el kindergarten este otoño. Muchos niños habrán tenido…
Descarga un PDF aquí: Las habilidades sociales-consejos para niños
Being able to make friends is a super important skill for school (and life). Here are few simple things that kids can do when they want to make a new friend. Download this infographic here: Kids Guide to Making Friends…
After more than a year of closures and limited social contact, the world is opening back up. That means that many children will attend school in person when kindergarten starts this fall. A lot of kids may have had limited…
El narrar cuentos es una buena manera de transmitir la historia familiar, compartir ideas, y ejercitar su creatividad y a la vez pasar tiempo positivo con sus niños. Escuchar cuentos los ayuda a desarrollar habilidades tempranas de la alfabetización y…
Telling stories is a great way to pass on family history, share ideas, and exercise your creativity muscles all while sharing quality time with your child. Listening to stories helps build early literacy and other school readiness skills. Sometimes parents…
Una de las mejores maneras de prepararse (y seguir preparados) para la escuela es la lectura. ¿¡¿Y qué será más divertido que una búsqueda del tesoro?!? Junte la lectura con una búsqueda del tesoro y tendrá una actividad de verano…
Hablamos mucho en nuestras entradas de blog sobre la importancia de leer y compartir libros con los niños como una de las mejores maneras de ayudarlos a prepararse para la escuela. ¿Pero qué pasa si está en un lugar donde…
One of the best ways to get (and stay) ready for school is to read. And what could be more fun than a treasure hunt?! Put reading and a treasure hunt together and you have a fabulous, fun summer activity.…
We talk a lot in our blog posts about the importance of reading to and sharing books with kids as one of the best ways to help get kids ready for school. But what if you are someplace where you…
Este mayo estamos apoyando el Mes Nacional de la Concientización sobre la Salud Mental con una exploración de algunas estrategias simples para ayudar a los niños y a las familias a desarrollar su capacidad de manejar el estrés y sobrellevar…
In support of National Mental Health Awareness Month, this May we are exploring simple strategies that can help children and families build lifelong skills for managing stress and fostering wellbeing. We thought we’d take a look, from a mental health…
A mitades de mayo, el Mes Nacional de la Concientización de la Salud Mental, estamos explorando algunas cosas simples que pueden hacer las familias para sobrellevar este momento difícil, con un enfoque en mejorar la salud mental. Los efectos de…
The research is in: Boredom is good for kids! Experiencing boredom is an important part of growth and well-being, fostering creativity, independence, emotional resilience, cognitive
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break and are settling easefully back into your regular family routines. As for me, a
It feels like we just got through Thanksgiving break! If your kids are anything like mine, it seemed like they spent more time lamenting having
It’s hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. The KITS Team has been busy, as we know you have too! We’d
The National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment highlighted KITS in a recent brief about kindergarten readiness programs. Check out pg. 3 for the spotlights.
The holiday season is meant to be a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. But for many, it can also be a stressful time. Between
As the winter season approaches, you may be considering helping make the holidays a little brighter for families in Lane County who might be struggling.
Does your family or someone you know need a little extra help this winter holiday season? Maybe a warm meal or some presents for the
The start of school is an exciting transition, full of so many different feelings that may change from moment to moment. And this is not
The KITS Programs are a family of evidence-based curricula that promote school success by strengthening children’s skills, increasing parental involvement, and supporting educators across the transition to kindergarten.