Ideas to Keep the Kids Engaged During Winter Break

It feels like we just got through Thanksgiving break! If your kids are anything like mine, it seemed like they spent more time lamenting having nothing to do, than they did enjoying the moments they had so intensely anticipated. While I’m fully on board with the idea that boredom is a natural and healthy part of developing creativity, I also like to be prepared with a few ideas to keep us active during school breaks.

Over the years, KITS has put together more than a few great ideas. We’ve gathered a few here for easy reference. Happy holidays and have a great winter break!

Winter Break Fun for the Family!. A list of suggested activities for your family during your holiday break.  Enjoy!

Nature Walks for Winter Break. Need an activity to keep the kids busy and help them get rid of some of that energy? Go on a nature walk! Taking a walk with your family and noticing the environment all around you can be a great way to get some exercise, explore, and do some self-care this winter break.

The Benefits of Playing Outside in the Cold-Infographic. It’s winter and we know it is cold outside. Your kids might want to curl up inside, but it’s actually really good for them (and you) to go outside. 

3 Ways to Put the Brake on Winter Break Backslide. While thoughts of winter break may make some parents reach for the holiday nog, most kids are probably jumping with excitement. Though breaks can be a lot of fun, they are also times when kids get out of the habits that help them do well in school. Luckily, parents can help their children keep those habits going without looking like the Grinch!

Indoor Scavenger Hunt (and More)! Though this blog was written while we were all stuck at home during the pandemic, it is chock full of wonderful indoor and outdoor activity ideas.

Boost the Immune System with Movement. Children need movement to thrive. Exercise and movement are essential for their physical and mental well-being and being active for just 6 minutes causes a significant jump in their immune cell levels! 

Keep the Whole Family Cozy with Hygge. Getting cozy as a family can be a great way to slow down and reconnect. Find out to embrace hygge (the Danish word for being cozy)!

5 Reasons to Cook with Kids. Winter break is a great time to try out a new recipe and reap the benefits of cooking with our kids.

Kid-Friendly (and Global) New Year’s Eve Traditions. Traditions from around the globe that you can celebrate in spirit with other countries around the world as their clocks turned over into the New Year starting at 8 PM Pacific Time.

May your winter break bring a healthy balance of fun and excitement, good food and cheer, family and friends, and also, rest and relaxation. We’ll see you in 2025!


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